Jameson Connects' - Music Night
As part of Jameson Connects’ The Spirit Of Christmas, Jameson wished to feature 3 artists– James Vincent McMorrow, Saint Sister & Lisa Hannigan, and The Scratch – in livestreaming broadcasts on the 23rd of December 2020 – at the height of Covid lockdown.
Working with Nine Yards – the events organiser – One Productions arranged the prerecord of the 3 artists at different locations. The Scratch were recorded live at The Cobblestone pub. Saint Sister & Lisa Hannigan at The Palace Bar, and James Vincent McMorrow was recorded at the Jameson Brewery on Bow Street. The footage and audio captured of the performances was edited and sound mixed. The files were then set live at the pre-arranged times on the pre-arranged channels for a live experience for thousands of Christmas viewers.
The event and stream received substantial press, attention and viewers – for e.g. Hotpress article
If you’d like to hear more about this project or see more of our work, please feel free to drop us a line