Creating a captivating video is not a simple task. It requires meticulous preparation to ensure everything goes according to plan. This blog post aims to guide you through this process, making your video shoot experience as smooth and successful as possible.

video shoot checklist


1. Schedule Management

Organising a video shoot is often like managing a jigsaw puzzle. It’s crucial to establish a well-structured schedule as every moment counts. Typically, we prefer splitting the day in two, focusing first on interviews and then on B-roll footage. However, we can adapt this schedule to accommodate immediate B-roll captures after each interview if needed. Each interviewee will need approximately 1.5 hours of dedicated time.

2. Scouting Locations

The essence of a video comes alive with the perfect location. Therefore, your premises or chosen location should be well analysed for the best spots to film. Identify and list all the locations that would serve as excellent backdrops for interviews and B-roll footage. Taking photos of these spots and sharing them with us in advance is beneficial. Ensure that all filming areas are tidy and, if necessary, reserve boardrooms or other spaces at the right times.

3. Incorporating Brand Graphics

For an impressive brand presence in your video, we can weave your digital graphics throughout. No need to worry about tangible materials like banners – just send your branding elements to us as early as possible.

4. Prepping Interviewees

Communication is key to a successful shoot. It’s advisable to have a preparatory meeting with all those to be interviewed. Familiarise them with the process and the questions, but ask them not to memorise their answers to maintain authenticity. Encourage them to arrive at least 5 minutes ahead of their interview time.


5. Coordinating with the Crew

  • Start Time: We aim to be there an hour prior to the first shot or interview to allow for a timely setup.
  • Parking: Considering the significant amount of equipment, we will need nearby parking. If parking arrangements are necessary, we can provide vehicle registration and driver details.
  • Access: Easy load-in access, ideally with a lift, is essential for moving gear.
  • Storage: A dedicated room for the crew’s gear and bags is needed.
  • Security: If the crew needs to present ID or other security clearances, inform us in advance.

We also require a dedicated contact person for the day – someone who can guide us around and help locate people, if necessary.

6. Filming B-roll and Interviews

Videos primarily consist of two shot types: interviews and B-roll (action shots).

Interviews: Seek out large, naturally lit rooms with visually appealing backgrounds. Make sure to secure a quiet environment, devoid of construction noise or other interruptions. Check whether building facilities, such as lights, motion sensors, and air conditioning, can be switched off during recording. If windows have shades, ensure they remain stationary throughout the shoot.

behind the scene video shoot

B-roll: This part allows us to showcase your business, premises, and operations. If specific processes or mock meetings are to be filmed, prepare your staff accordingly. In industrial settings, correct PPE is crucial to avoid reshooting.

Our dedicated Interview Preparation document can provide more insight on preparing for interviews and giving the best possible responses.

7. Arranging for Drone Shots

For those stunning aerial shots, drone permissions and operators need to be arranged in advance. Inform us at the earliest if you require this service.

8. Deciding on Wardrobe

Appearance matters! Make sure everyone appearing in the video is appropriately attired. For interviews, avoid clothing with small patterns. Instead, opt for solid colours. Also, be wary of jangly jewellery as it can interfere with audio capture. If green screen interviews are planned, avoid wearing green to prevent visual glitches.

video shoot planning

Next steps!

With this info, why not organise a shoot with us and speak directly to your audience, and if you don’t have an audience, use video content to create one! Here’s your next steps below:

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