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How to Advertise on YouTube [Infographic]

YouTube video ads can be really effective way of growing your brand, but if you are new to this practice then it can be difficult to know where to start. This infographic offers a crash course in YouTube advertising 101 for 2019.

The Value of YouTube Advertising

Did you know that one billion users spend an average of 40 minutes per day on YouTube? In fact, YouTube users watch 4.95 billion videos daily. A high proportion of internet users use YouTube to make buying decisions.

As a result, an increasing number of advertisers are drawn to YouTube. For example, YouTube received 27% of all digital video ad spending in the U.S in 2017 and the number of SMEs advertising on YouTube doubled between 2016 and 2018.

Reasons to Advertise on YouTube

What are the Different Types of YouTube Ads?

Bumper Ads are non-skippable 6-second ads that are shown before a video. The advertiser must pay every time the ad receives 1,000 impressions. Bumper ads are typically used to drive brand reach and complement a wider video ad campaign. In 2016, Google tested over 300 bumper ad campaigns and found that 90% resulted in a significant increase in ad recall.

True View In-Stream Ads play before, during or after a video. They can range in length, going from 15 seconds to six minutes. Short ads are non-skippable and long ads are skippable after 5 secs. You can customize the ad with different CTAs & overlay text. Many viewers who click to view the ad will watch the advertiser’s other videos within 24 hours. According to data from AdEspresso, viewers who see a second TrueView ad in 24 hours are 500% more likely to engage in a company’s CTA.

True View Discovery Ads run on the YouTube homepage, search results pages and as related videos. Once a user clicks to view, the video page shows a banner display ad on the right. You can add three lines of text to the video which can be optimised to boost reach. This is an ideal option for promoting videos that are over 15-60 seconds. These videos have been found to have a higher retention rate because users choose to watch the video. In fact, Google reveals that viewers who choose to watch an ad are 75% more engaged than those who are forced to do so.

What are the Different Targeting Options for YouTube Ads?

  1. Demographic: Target ads to certain audiences based on age, gender, location and parental status.
  2. Placement: Bid to run ads on specific videos, channels or websites that your target audience is likely to visit.
  3. Topics: Reach a broad range of videos, channels, and websites related to selected topics.
  4. Interests: There are two different types of targeting options that fall under this category. Affinity targeting allows you to zone in on people whose search history indicates that they have a strong interest in relevant topics. In-market targeting lets you focus on users whose search history indicates that they’re actively researching products related to your product or service.
  5. Remarketing: Reach viewers who have previously interacted with your videos, ads or channel.

How to Optimise Your YouTube Ad Campaign

Read the infographic below to learn more about how to advertise on YouTube.