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The Power Of E-Learning in Employee Training (Infographic)

Read our guide to find out how e-learning training videos are transforming companies.

The Impact of Poor Employee Training

Have you ever spent several hours in a training session watching a instructor droning on in front of a whiteboard, and felt like escaping out the window? Many employees have gone through this experience and it simply doesn’t get the required results.

The way in which training is delivered can have a significant impact on how much information an employee can retain. According to a study by SAVO, the average employee forgets 65% of the material covered just seven days after the material is covered and this figure jumps to 90% after six months. The quality of training can also have a major effect on employee satisfaction, as 40% of employees who receive poor job training leave their position within the first year.

E-Learning Has the Potential to Improve Employee Training

 “Expenses for classroom training add up quickly, what’s more, the majority of that training is forgotten by the time employees return to the job.” Using video enables employees to learn anywhere and anytime.”  – Dean Pichee, president and CEO of BizLibrary

Since the year 2000, the e-learning industry has grown by 900%. It is well-suited for employee training, so it is no surprise that 42% of global Fortune 500 Companies already use some form of digital technology for training and education purposes.

So, how can training videos help businesses? E-Learning saves time and boosts productivity as it requires 40-60% less time than learning the same material in a traditional classroom learning. It has also been shown to boost retention rates by 25-60% and engagement rates by 18%. Furthermore, e-learning is far cheaper than many traditional training methods. In fact, 42% of companies say that e-learning has led to increased revenue.

E-Learning Can Be Delivered Anytime, Anywhere

Companies are adapting to the always on culture by providing training and resources that can be used whenever is convenient on any device. Employees can use the resources at a point of need or when they have time. They become active participants in their own learning, rather than spectators in an enforced learning environment.

Example of an instructional video produced by One Productions for the Health & Safety Authority.

E-Learning Accommodates Different Learning Styles

When it comes to training employees, one size does not fit all. The use of video allows everyone to learn at their own pace and re-watch anything they may have missed in a relaxed environment.

Gain Insights from E-Learning Analytics

Enterprise video platforms often come with analytics to help you understand if employee training is being effective. You can track attendance and engagement levels to gauge which areas are causing employees most difficulty. You can even track course completion so you can immediately see who has completed the training and who hasn’t.

How to Create Effective Employee Training Videos

  1. Be consistent: This is especially important if your organisation has multiple locations as video can be a good way to maintain consistent messaging throughout.
  2. Don’t slack off on the production quality: The quality of the videos should be of the same quality as your customer-facing content. Internal staff won’t pay attention to a video with poor production. To ensure a high-quality video, consider enlisting the services of an experienced video production agency.
  3. Only include the most critical information: Only include the most important information in your videos. Less important information can be communicated via email or through an internal protocol.
  4. Break up longer training videos into chapters: Internal training videos tend to be long so it’s a good idea to break them up into digestible chunks for employees. This will give your employees an opportunity to jump around and focus in on different parts of the video as required.
  5. Make it remarkable: Ideally, your video will get a reaction from people. If they look bored or don’t comment on it, then it could be a sign that you have missed the mark this time. Work hard to make all training videos engaging and informative for employees.